As Tanzania specialists with years of know-how, we’ve discerned that particular paths provide the perfect fusion of excitement, scenic views, and a superior chance of reaching the top.

The 9-day trails allow for the right amount of time needed for proper acclimatization, enhancing your odds of summiting even further. They also steer clear of the overcrowded, over-promoted routes like the Marangu, Rongai, and Machame, providing a calm, leisurely ascent time (“pole pole” in Swahili) and more one-on-one adventure with our knowledgeable guides.

Excited to check out our trekking routes? Keep scrolling.


As only a handful of outfitters in Tanzania are offering this less-traveled trail, it’s a rarity and trove for more advanced climbers who will travel with equally skilled head guides and porters. The path offers a chance to escape the countless groups, connect with our dedicated team, and take pleasure in the climb. The 9-day schedule granted here allows for supreme acclimatization, ultimately elevating your chances of achieving peak success.


The Lemosho Northern Circuit route on Kilimanjaro offers a scenic and extended trek, ideal for those seeking a comprehensive and less crowded experience. Beginning in the lush Lemosho Glades, this route traverses diverse ecosystems and provides ample acclimatization time, enhancing summit success rates. As it winds around the northern side of the mountain, climbers enjoy breathtaking views of the Kenyan plains. The Lemosho Northern Circuit stands out for its combination of natural beauty and optimal acclimatization, making it a premier choice for adventurers.


A top go-to for climbers, this pathway takes off from the mountain’s western side, en route to the vast Shira Plateau. Our climb-high-sleep-low method duly aids in acclimatization, increasing the likelihood of reaching the summit, Uhuru Peak.


Beginning from the southern part of Kilimanjaro itself, the Machame Route is infamous for its spellbinding panoramic views; however, it’s also one of the busiest routes up Mt Kilimanjaro. Nevertheless, the views makes this route a crowd-pleaser.